Cass Art Sale is in-store and online. The saving applies to the manufacturer’s RRP (Recommended Retail Price) and will vary from product to product. Products will not always be available in-store and are subject to price change and availability - for full details, please check on our website or ask in-store. Sale ends 09.02.2025. Posca Case Assorted Colours Set of 54
(ref: 033938) not available in conjunction with any other promotion or discount including Cobalt Blue, Student Discount, SAA Membership and Viridian Cards.
FREE Posca Empty Pen Wallet when you buy a Posca Case Assorted Colours Set of 54 (sku reference: 033938) - Terms and Conditions Product subject to price change and availability. Offer is valid online only until 23:59:59 on 24.12.2024. Offer not available in conjunction with any other promotion or discount including Cobalt Blue, Student Discount and Viridian Cards. One per order.
60% off RRP Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Watercolour Brush Size 4 - Terms and Conditions - Product Ref: 003354 only. Product subject to price change and availability. Offer is valid from 09.12.24 whilst stocks last. Offer is online only and not eligible for any other further promotion or discount including Cobalt Blue Student Discount & Viridian Cards.
50% Off RRP Selected Derwent Sets - Terms and Conditions Product subject to price change and availability. Offer is valid online only until 23:59:59 on 23/12/2024. Offer not available in conjunction with any other promotion or discount including Cobalt Blue, SAA Membership, Student Discount and Viridian Cards
ONLINE & INSTORE - Promotion valid in all Cass Art stores (excluding Glasgow & Edinburgh) during opening hours, and online at from 00.01 - 23:59 from 2nd - 5th October 2024. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or discount. Excludes easels, Michael Harding & Daniel Smith products and cannot be used to purchase gift vouchers or event tickets.
One goody bag per person, while stocks last, contents may vary. Value of bag refers to combined RRP of all products. Offer varies in-store & online. In-store use: 25% discount & goody bag will be given to students & Viridian Card holders spending £40 or more (£30 after 25% discount applied). 15% discount will be applied to other student & Viridian Card holder transactions in-store.
To redeem, present your valid student ID or Viridian Card in-store. Online use: 25% discount and free goody bag will be applied to student & Viridian orders of £50 or more (£37.50 after 25% discount applied). Offers applied at checkout with promo code for verified student & Viridian accounts or with use of a UNiDAYS code. Visit
for details on how to set up a student online account.
If you decide to return your Student Day order for a refund and the value of your order subsequently falls below £50 (£37.50 post-25% discount), then the free Goodie Bag including all its contents, must be returned in its entirety before we can initiate the refund process. For details on how to return items visit